Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Chlamydia A Month Later?

T ll tips and advice from the family "good plan" to save on everything , buy cheap, simple reflexes develop at home, eat better and less ...

Best of discount : we look for places prices "Guns", either stores or websites and of course objectively. The see places in the family "good plan" to save .

News to save

June 7 Or make gasoline? The JDN Economy has published the ranking of the cheapest networks based on the price of MS 95: 1 / Auchan, 2 / Elf, 3 / Leclerc, 4 / U System and Atac, 6 / Carrefour and Intermarche. And the government has set up a website -fuel prices to compare the prices of stations by city. Informative!
June 5 Hypermarkets cheaper than discount stores by Leclerc? DISAGREE! Yes in terms of price but quality products from Lidl or Aldi is greater, for one simple reason. It is the goodwill of their store, and if the hard discounters is so popular in Germany, it is because the quality is by appointment. Such as the excellent lye at Aldi.
June 1st. And we're still talking car! JD Power company a benchmark in reliability surveys, has just published its survey of 16,000 owners (English) car. Top 4 manufacturers: Lexus / Skoda / Honda / Toyota; Top 4 models: Toyota Prius / Honda Jazz / Lexus / Toyota Yaris & Skoda Octavia. A small note: The Dacia Logan is not sold in Britain at the moment, it does not appear in the rankings. All info is in our section reliability of cars
May 31 A star is coming! The new Dacia Sandero. A barrel prices (from 7800 to 10,900 €), tests very positive, a 3 year warranty (the Dacia Logan is already very reliable), a nicer design than the Logan. Automotive journalists expect a tidal wave of orders! Here it is, the official car of fairedeseconomies!
Heard on the radio: inner space of the Megane, the size of the Clio, the price of a Twingo!
May 29 Petrol or Diesel? He should think 2 times! Side economics, the diesel model is more expensive than gasoline, and the price of a liter of diesel goes up, up, up ... On May 25, 2008, 1 liter of diesel was worth an average of 1.35 euros to 1.41 euros against the pump for a liter of SP95.
5 points to remember:
1 - The Diesel is much more expensive to produce than gasoline. With rising oil prices, experts estimate that a liter of diesel is more expensive than a liter of gasoline before the end of 2008
2 - rejects diesel particulate hazardous to health. Why is it banned in Japan, Brazil (except truck), California? We hear more talk of a possible health catastrophe in France for twenty years, due to particles released. France is the only country in the world with as much diesel car in traffic.
3 - manufacturers feel the wind change. Peugeot will invest in a factory, a factory gasoline engine ...
4 - Gasoline engines will come out soon that will consume less than diesel engines
5 - Reminder: the diesel is only profitable on large cars or 4x4, and large rollers.
January 29.
Price: Leclerc cheaper Intermarché in second place. Price surveys conducted by Linear confirm that Leclerc has remained the cheapest in the second half of 2007. Intermarché took second place ahead Auchan Carrefour disappoints. More details on the site linear .
January 22. The rates of Book A blue booklet Sustainable development ultimately to 3.5% in February 1. A simple trick to find out how long it takes to double capital: you divide 72 by the expected rate of return, you will have the necessary number of years. Take the example of the booklet A: 72/3.5 = 20.57 years. Now let's take the example of a bottom of a Euro "Good" life insurance: 72/4.3 = 16.7 years. A small difference in rates eventually make a big difference over time.
January 15. The Livret A rate should rise to 4% on 1 February, its highest level in more than 20 years, under the automatic setting mechanism, according to a calculation of the AFP, but the government should invoke the "exceptional circumstances "to limit the rise.
The increase in inflation and interest rates at which banks lend to each other under high pressure because of the subprime crisis, "explain this increased to 4%, against 3% currently.
December 16. For your Christmas gifts, compare compare compare! You'll be surprised at the price differences between stores some "hard" and shopping "internet". Internet is your ally to save more!
December 14. According to a recent study, the eve of electrical appliances is on average 8% of the total consumption of French households. Feel free to plug your TV, DVD, ... a power strip with switch, so you can easily cut power completely from your device. A tip: installing on your PC, a free software, Local Cooling, which allows you to reduce the consumption of your PC. 207,295 people have installed, saving 2.1 million kWh! For us, it's already 8 kWh of savings in 10 days ...
December 8. purchasing power ... everyone talks about. Price hikes are broad, both France and Europe or Asia. Also, do not expect government action, seek to make economies .... discovering all the features of this site! Since the beginning, we advise you to buy more products from private label products (Casino, Carrefour, ...), make sure you compare prices on the internet (there are striking differences in relation to conventional stores) to save water with efficient systems and cheap ... The site map is here .
November 21. E. Leclerc Mobile launch in December.
The offer will be without commitment and with volume discounts depending on the communication time: more client talk time each month, plus the price per minute will decrease. The reduction will be applied financial credited to an account that will pay for subsequent calls.
It will be sold in self service across all stores Leclerc.
Leclerc claims to be "50% cheaper than the best deals for 4 hours of talk time" of its competitors. Michel-Edouard Leclerc said: "We are launching the battle of market prices, other competitors will be forced to react," adding that the group wanted to engage in future internet and fixed telephony.
November 10. After three consecutive years of decline, auto insurance premiums will stabilize or even increase in some insurers next year.
Indeed, the number of road accidents has increased since the beginning of the year. The cost of property damage and repairs is increased again for insurers. Similarly, compensation for personal injury progresser.Ainsi continue despite Ad-profile-building measures to lower premiums for some good drivers *, many motorists will see their bonus stagnate or even rise.
November 8. The price of gasoline ... How does it decomposes?

64% tax, gasoline finance much of the budget of France.
How to save gasoline? A few simple tips: Drive #
cool in town: aggressive driving increases consumption by 40%, or 5 € for more than 100 km
# Slower highway: 10 km / h and less, it earned 8 € louse run 100km ride
# Warning to air conditioning : By reducing its use, you can save 5 € every 100km

More tips in our " Saving Fuel "

November 3. We now have the choice between several suppliers of gas or electricity. The November issue of 60 million consumers (4.2 € newsstand) compared the contracts and rates of different stakeholders. Here are their conclusions: #
Most new suppliers can save a few dollars a year on their electricity bill or gas. But this economy is rarely guaranteed beyond the first year subscription.
# EDF and GDF are now fully competitive and offer both electricity and gas. In SFM, electricity is priced slightly lower than regulated rates of EDF. And at EDF, the gas is at a price close to the regulated rates of GDF.
# All contract changes must be carefully considered. Under current regulations, leaving the regulated tariffs is an irreversible decision for accommodation that you occupy. "
November 2. vegetables more expensive in supermarkets?
According to a study by the Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits and vegetables, the average price of vegetables is higher in supermarkets than in traditional markets. Last July, for example, the average price per kilo was € 1.65 in the markets against € 2.07 in supermarkets and 1.89 € in hypermarkets. The salad was sold last summer from 20 to 25% more expensive in supermarkets. By cons, for fruit, supermarkets are less expensive on average € 0.2 per kilo.

October 23. E. Leclerc will engage in mobile phones, after Auchan, Carrefour, ... Tenders should reach the end of the year. To see if this will succeed Leclerc and Auchan and Carrefour have not quite managed to break the price!
October 22. The new Logan coming soon ... more fun and about 8000 euros! dacia Sandero It will be sold in Brazil under the Renault brand and Europe under the Dacia brand. Logan is now highly regarded in terms of reliability and low maintenance cost ... This is the real car deals!
October 5. Hacking credit cards ... Since the beginning of the year, service stations have become the main target of hackers. What to do? You should know that hackers are more active at night or on weekends when there is no one to supervise the pumps. So always check the fuel pump for any signs of damage and try to avoid self-service stations or on Sunday night.
October 1. The newspaper PAP (From Individual to Individual) studied the energy performance of 450 homes in the Paris region. The conclusion: the accommodations are generally poorly insulated and poorly heated. It is therefore better to isolate them. So the first thing to do is establish a diagnosis. Take a break at the site of the Association for Quality thermal comfort , which is an online software "diagnosis for the improvement of energy performance and thermal comfort in individual homes. (We also learn that heating gas costs an average 21% less than electricity ...).
July 29. The rate of pay Livret A will increase to 3.0% on 1 August against 2.75% now, according to the notice published in the Journal officiel.La Compensation booklet Sustainable Development, former Codevi, progresses in the same proportion. As of August 1, the rate of special savings accounts of the Mutual Credit will be set at 3.0%, the popular savings account at 4.0%, the booklets corporate savings to 2.25%, the home savings accounts to 2.0% and housing savings plans to 2.50%.
July 5. Automatic Radar: Before you go on vacation, hop on the site of the accident prevention that tells you the locations of speed cameras.
July 3. subscription France Telecom moves to 16 euros (1 euro) ...
July 1. Compare prices on the internet: According Fraud, over 50% of consumers consult price comparison sites on the Internet before buying. This administration has therefore examined the matter and sent a reminder letter to the regulator to eleven of them. Only the site buy-less-expensive was recognized for its reliability. Try it!
June 1 balances are back ... All dates, department by department, are on the website DGCCRF
April 14. A new site to reduce your expenses Nespresso capsule and at the same reduce waste generation. They will not be happy at Nespresso which would approx. 85% margin on their caps ...
March 25. Before sending your car for revision, fill the washer. Then check on your order that the garage does not charge you fill the washer ... which of course was full.
February 27. The institute offers today on its website simulator individual price index.
Faced with criticism on the current index of consumer prices, INSEE decided to develop a tool to enable consumers to quantify changes in the cost of their own caddy. Each household can calculate the price index for adjusting the weight of the expenses devoted to a dozen major expenses (rent, food, gasoline, restaurant holiday ,...). The approach is interesting.
February 6. Since February 5, 2007, Fnac has ended the automatic reduction of 5% on the price of books (except They want to force customers to take loyalty card PAY! Fnac goodbye ...
Jan. 2 balances begin January 10 at 8:00. And given the poor sales of textiles due to a mild winter, prices should be very interesting!

Seen on Boursorama: The information website of the Ministry of Finance on fuel prices at the pump opened late Tuesday morning and will have a first-time references than 4,000 stations, it was learned from Bercy . The
site should eventually enable motorists to compare prices charged by some 8,000 stations (of 13,500 existing). In the first 24 hours of operation, the price "of about 50%" of these stations are available, according to a spokesman for the department.
It allows to search by price municipality and department of metropolitan France.
"Do not be surprised if all points of sale do not appear on the screen: the display is based on the updates to prices that we are reaching the point of sale," warns the website "Eco Drive "on its homepage. The site has yet to "ramp up", warns Bercy.
This statement of prices has been made mandatory through an Order in the Gazette, for any gas station selling at least 500 cubic meters of fuel per year.
It concerns the SP95 and diesel but information on the E85 will be implemented "quickly," the source said.
Jan. 1st We wish you a wonderful 2007, full of tips, shopping smart and saving energy (with our help!).
22 Dec. Imagine the foot of the Christmas tree a Nespresso machine, donated by some people to make you very happy. The coffee is excellent, but the price of the capsules is very high. Also, take a look at this site recharchecapsule , an amateur site that explains how to do it yourself, with the coffee of choice, capsules compatible. Good coffee!
20 Dec. The Ministry of Economy and Finance will launch on Jan. 2 its website as "fuel" price- . It will reference real-time prices practiced by more than 8,000 service stations. "Written in a very practical way, it will allow motorists to know the cheapest stations around homes or on their way." Individuals had already started this type of site. See our save gasoline
18 Dec. This year, French households should spend an average of 550 euros for their gifts and holiday feasts, as the auditing firm and consultancy Deloitte. It is as much as last year, equivalent to 2% of their annual income. Of this amount, 106 euros is spent on gifts for children.
traders are on a war footing, but consumers are still awaited. What is not unusual. Deloitte estimates that 60% of French would have already done their shopping, while 20% do not take it that on Christmas Eve and 10% wait even that December 24 has passed . And yes, lots of products will be cheaper after Christmas, see 23 and 24 for toys: patience always pays!
2 Dec. good plan for Christmas Special
The Deals La Redoute ... It is the site for withdrawal of the Redoubt. Ideal for Christmas! All products spend with permanent discounts of up to -65%! ! Currently up to 60% on toys + -15% extra on the gifts with code 76 449 / -15% extra on lingerie with code 76 465 / -15% extra on the evening wear with code 76457.
Dec. 1st December 4, E. Leclerc launch , a music download site with a price per share of 0.76 euros (for the purchase of a package € 49.99) against 0.90 euros on average for the market.
November 30 Heard on RMC / emission car radio "Tonight a good plan: pay his car insurance cheaper, it is possible thanks to websites that save you up to 60% for only 5 minutes without the fuss. With us in studio is responsible for one specialized sites, .
Q: Can we really save money thanks to the Internet?
A: You can achieve considerable savings for one simple reason: the price differences for all profiles (yours, mine, ...) regarding auto insurance are considerable. Between the cheapest and most expensive, there is a factor of 3 .... These are individual rates. The cheapest insurance for your neighbor is not necessarily the cheapest for you. We must look ... You fill out a questionnaire, we immediately wonder about forty insurer. This offers you the cheapest ... Once you find your happiness, you call the insurer or you go to a of these agencies.
November 23 In all studies, the Christmas gift of 2006 will be the GPS. Before you decide on a model, check out our category GPS / Radar .
November 17 E. Leclerc has launched a new version of its price comparison site (the first had been closed by court order). Their new site is much better than the first! To calculate the price index, E. Leclerc puts all the products at the same level, without taking into account that on average you buy without a doubt (it is an example) 10 times more than Coca Cola 150cl Teisseire Blackcurrant Syrup . We believe that a price index must be weighted by the volumes, reflecting the habits and frequency of consumption. By what I prefer that my shop is cheaper on the products I buy every day rather than those that I buy once a quarter. So red card to re-site of E. Leclerc! Read on "Carrefour hypermarkets recall that other studies put the majority of its stores at the top of their catchment areas." According to the latest survey of prices conducted by the firm IRI data for the month of Last October, covering more than 20,000, the majority of our stores are the first in their price areas catchment, "says rival Leclerc.
November 15 The winter sales in Paris will be held Wednesday, January 10 from 8am until Saturday, February 17 included (prefecture).
November 13 The French should reduce their spending by 0.5% over Christmas . This is evident from a survey by Deloitte. Every household should pay 548 euros for gifts, food and entertainment, cons 551 last year. The decline is however much more moderate than in previous years: it had reached 3% in 2005, 2% in 2004 and above 31% in 2003.
Only half of parents know what they will offer their children. At the age of 12, consoles, video games and dolls are among the most cited three gifts to children while their parents have to buy CDs and DVDs, and non-electronic games.
And you? What are your plans for Christmas? Share your tips with our community (already more than 40,000 visits in 2 months) by recording a comment.
November 12 Podcast Let's talk about (the radio that you can download onto their computer or MP3 player)! There are areas where it is better to be well informed to make savings, see to avoid getting scammed. Here are some programs, available in Podcast, we particularly like:
For your car: Your auto / RMC / the show's website
DIY Question: Your home / RMC / the show's website
Computers : What I mail / RMC / the show's website
November 11 Ranking of the city by city housing tax and property tax just been published by
November 10 TNS soffre for Fidelity on "The French and the life" 67% of those surveyed after the maximum performance ... once a year. In addition, 36% were unaware that there are management fees and 60% did not know that there are charges on payments. Thirteen percent of them even think that there are no fees or do not know. Finally, 36% do not know the costs of arbitration.
The study also notes that holders of life insurance contracts are not very active in seeking information and comparison of bids before the opening of a contract . Only 31% said they sought information, offers 26% compared to 22% negotiated pricing conditions. 38% of the holders is also not having obtained all the necessary information when signing.
Help! Life insurance and banks charge high fees: typically 4% on your payments + management fees every year by 1%. What may represent an amount imprtant after 20 years ... There are very good life insurance at 0% charge for payments, 0.6 to 0.75% management fee , and very competent advisers. November 2006: "The best life insurance is at the end of the mouse
Inexpensive, effective, responsive and Contracts ... most interesting are on the Internet. What is their strength: simplicity, flexibility and lack of paperwork. "More info here .
November 2 Want to buy a computer? Note, the successor to Windows XP is coming soon.'s Announcement here following should be of interest: "In agreement with Microsoft, major manufacturers on the market hexagonal (HP, Packard Bell and Acer) offer their customers to benefit from the Express Upgrade. An offer that will allow buyers a PC, answering a few specific criteria to obtain Windows Vista free at its output. "To be checked before making the choice Final!
Nov. 1 A reminder: a computer with a TV card is not liable to pay the TV license. Imagine the possible combinations ...
October 31. According to Telecom Regulatory Authority, the telecom bill average fee per client Off per month is: Mobile phone: 28,30 euros / phone: 24.80 EUR / DSL: 23,60 EUR / Dial-up: 8.70 euros.
And you? above or below this average? Also according
ART: At the end of June, 1.2 million people have chosen the unbundling , four times more than year earlier (261,000). In another because it is now easier to leave France Telecom. The minimum commitment period of one year was reduced to six months. In addition, a growing number of Internet providers also offer to those who move into a new home to opt for their services without subscribing to France Telecom, by becoming directly unbundled.
October 30 tutoring, car pooling, babysitting ... With barter services -all know-how are bartered between members. Approximately 7,800 services are currently trading on the site, with 10 floors (the currency site). The annual subscription charge during the introductory period the site may become payable. When opening an account, you are credited with 20 floors, and you win by making services. Eg., you provide an hour of ironing, you get 10 floors, you can use to pay you an hour of math.
October 24 Carrefour launches its mobile network (Orange) . The offer is for the moment, only three prepaid packages that include phones, a starter kit for 15 euros and 5 cartridges ranging from 4 to 32 euros.La minute call is charged 0.39 euro (0.40 euro Auchan Mobile) and the SMS 0.10. The offer will be available starting November 8. When will the price war??
October 23 73% of new cars sold in September were diesel ! However, below a certain number of miles, diesel is not profitable (except transaction updates the price of diesel fuel). It seems to have become a real fashion! The site Autovalley (BNP) to compare the cost between 2 petrol and diesel cars (do not care about the cost of maintenance is often a little more for diesel)
October 21 According to Institute precepts, isured auto rates should decline in 2007 . Good news is attributed to the effects of competition and fewer accidents. Macif, MAIF, the People's Bank Insurance has already reduced their rates in 2006 and the trend will continue year after prochaine.Mais ... new effects are being felt in pushing up prices: the price of the compensation body continues to grow at an average of 7% per year, more importantly, reinsurers, insurers, insurers, intend to increase their prices this year 20%! So how long will you one yet the price of auto insurance continue to decline?
October 18 A new price comparison site who wants to be as objective as possible : Twenga . All merchants are listed Twenga free and receives no payout. for example it is possible to see the largest declines of the day or week, or even create a price alert for a particular product. In addition, Twenga Score, an index for money based on the aggregation of different criteria (opinion of professionals, individuals, notes, release date) is to provide an accurate estimate of available products. Try it!
October 17 The website Voyages-SNCF has launched a new service, the EcoComparator , which offers users to find , one-click " conveyance the cheapest, fastest or the cleaner (including low-cost airlines).
October 16 Auchan has launched its mobile offering (SFR network). First form a prepaid card, Auchan will quickly passes and blocked accounts in the first half of 2007. Called HyperLibre , the prepaid is charged 15 euros for the opening of the line. The minute call costs 40 cents euro (call to fixed or mobile, France + 35 countries, whatever the time and call duration.) and sending SMS 10 cents. This is much more expensive than that proposed ALDI in Germany.
October 2 A cheap gasoline? The French government aims to install about 500 "green pumps" issuing of E85, a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline in 2007. The pump price of E85 biofuel may lie around 0.80 euros / liter. But the consolation is> 30%. So no cheaper than diesel It will change your car (oops!) Or if we're lucky, modify the engines: The Minister said want to set the tax at the lowest level possible, to encourage the consumption of the biofuel. It is not won!. Meanwhile, discover our " how to reduce fuel costs .
October 1 MAIF made offers auto loans until 31 October: eg. 2.41% APR instead of 3.92%. Complete information on their site .
September 7 Skype offers free calls to all landlines in France
Skype, editor of internet telephony software, launched Thursday a bid to make free calls from France, all landlines in the country until December 31. Offer condition, no subscription and no hidden costs, anyone who downloaded and using its software from France. Skype, whose software allows you to make phone calls free between computers around the world, asserts 113 million users, including 5 million in France. Download it if you have not already! I use it every day, the quality is very good. course, if you have a "box" is irrelevant.
September 5 Cdiscount opens its private sales site: Cdiscount private sale . Registration is fast and knowing the trade policy Cdiscount, we can expect prices to guns!
August 22 Free ad the telephone subscription is now included in the Freebox package for non unbundled. The Freebox package would thus amount to 29.99 euros per month without extra cost, like ADSL subscribers in unbundled areas. The economy is 15 euros / month, and 16 euros / month in 2007.
August 10 We begin to add the discount codes on the site.
Feel free to add more.

Automotive>> Auto Insurance : shop around, test the comparator assurance auto example.
>> Reliability: what are the best brands ?
>> Negotiate the price: Our board and tracks "discount".
>> Tires: How to choose and where to get the lowest prices.
>> Essence: tips to save gas and buy cheaper
>> Review: where to do it, and at what price?
>> Clean: All tips to clean his car
>> GPS so useful! Our advice to buy it cheaper.

Buying food and health and beauty
>> Tips
races of the weekend!
>> Who is the cheapest hypermarket ? The latest survey Linear answers!
>> All About brands distributors
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>> & Laundry Softener: Why pay so much lye when some equally effective, are cheap? and use natural products, you will make real savings.
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>> Wines: All dates wine fairs, street addresses to pay less ...
>> Freeze: Freezing + purchase coupon savings =
>> And have you heard of the method " cook once a month " which comes from Canada? We welcome your feedback!
>> The world Baby: diapers, baby food, how to save ?
>> Cora, Auchan, Carrefour do the shopping for you and you deliver!
EDF / GDF / Water / Telecom / Insurance
>> Water: How to really reduce consumption ? + A Japanese movie amazing!
>> EDF how to reduce the electricity bill?
>> phone: what? leave France Telecom?
Cell Phone? Who is the cheapest? And a small box which can significantly reduce your
>> Insurance: compare what you pay the price of other insurers

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>> Reduce restaurant bill? Our tips
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Lotto and free contest
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Your Health
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Why this site on how to save money? Who are we? result

Sunday, August 6, 2006

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The plan of the site, organized by topic. If you are looking for a specific tip, use the form on the left Google.


Buy Cheaper
-----> Best of discount
-----> All private sales
-----> Private sales during
--- -> Compare prices
-----> Compare insurance prices

-----> -----> Reliability
Price negotiation
-----> Tyres: select, buy, longevity
-----> Essence
-----> -----> Revision
-----> Buy GPS / traffic info / map radar
-----> Auto Insurance : shop around!

-----> Substantially reduce its water consumption
-----> -----> Invoice EDF
---- -> Phone

-----> Full weekend
-----> The label
-----> Who is the cheapest? (what Hypermarket ?) ----->
care product
----> Hygiene: Use natural products and save
-----> Fresh
----- > Secrets of freezing
-----> Cooking once a month
-----> -----> Beverages
-----> Internet shopping

Fashion / Beauty
-----> The best
-----> Factory outlets
-----> perfume Hygiene
-----> Hairdresser

Universe Baby

Banking / Finance
-----> Construction patimony
--- Part 1 -> Investing in the stock: the basic rules
-----> -----> Boursorama bank
Change credit card

Holiday Entertainment
--- -> Aircraft and stays : great ideas
-----> Trains: TGV hard discount and Prem's ticket
-----> Hotel economic or discount price?
-----> rental car
-----> Voyager really cheap: for conditioning, car pooling and hitchhiking
-----> Restaurants cheapest
- ----> And if we did a hike this weekend?
-----> Occupy children

-----> Book, dictionary, geography, music ...
-----> Rent DVDs without moving
-----> Movies & Entertainment
-----> Free newspapers

-----> Or buy? Extended Warranties Clearance Sale ----->
Who belongs to whom?
-----> What brands of home appliances most reliable?
-----> Buy a PC
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-----> CD DVD cheaper
-----> Photo Digital

Lotto and free contest


-----> Council to preserve your health
-----> free health check
-----> Free Nutrition Coaching
-----> The 3 great experiences of Steve Jobs
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Friday, August 4, 2006

Sternocleidomastoid Cancer

Hotel cheaper

How to pay less his nights?
With Internet course.

Find a budget hotel formula 1 or type B & B

We recommend the hotel site economic : you choose the city or county, and cheap hotels appear with their contact information, price of the night and breakfast.

pay less a night in a hotel "classic"

The easiest way is to do a Google search, Bing and others. A really interesting site, with comments from customers: Venere

heading Back Holidays & Weekend / Back Home
Need more ideas to save money? click Sitemap

Large Radiators Industrial

Cooking once a month

One way savings come from Canada: The ounce month cooking (cook once a month). The problem

The daily meal preparation takes time. Preparation, washing dishes ... And manage the remains that can accumulate in the fridge. With the risk ultimately lay the remains in the trash. So wasteful. The solution

Cooking once a month! Yes, cook meals once a month! The basic idea is simple. This involves identifying thirty recipes that can be frozen. It must then be prepared at once all the ingredients for all recipes. If need 2 onions chopped in 5 revenue will therefore prepare 10 onions. It only remains to combine all the ingredients for each recipe and start cooking. Once the food is ready, it freezes.

The key to success is planning. You must plan your time, your menus and ingredients.

Step 1: Choose the day. One Saturday you can help mobilize the family ... Make sure the freezer is almost empty.

Step 2: Make a list
meals. A calendar, a sheet of paper, Excel, regardless, it is simply to write the daily menu.
Need recipe, ideas for new dishes? discover the delights sites 1001, auFeminin / kitchen , Supertoinette and blogs The hamburger and crescent , In Requier , papillae and Pupils , Calm and cocoa (bilingual Italian-French) , It was I who did it! , Intern'Aude

Step 3 Prepare your shopping list.

4th stage Directorate
your favorite stores: hypermarket, supermarket, ... maybe your butcher, market Wednesday ...

5th step is cooking! You group by type of meal ingredients, so you do cook once the same ingredient. Or cut once the onions for example. Cook multiple dishes simultaneously
is not necessarily easy at first ... Especially in a small kitchen!

6th stage
See our article the secrets of the freezing

We welcome your comments! Personally, we prefer to use the method "Cook once a week" :-)
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Thursday, August 3, 2006

Gay Cruising Spots In Indiana

The label

Everything is summed up in this picture. The brands that communicate and next to a pub for a label with the phrase "Why spend more?"

Indeed, why spend more?

2 levels of label: the qualitative and the 1st prize. You will find
Carrefour Carrefour brands and No. 1 / Auchan Auchan and Thumb / Géant Casino Euro Casino and smile / Leclerc: Brand Bookmark and Eco Plus / Super U: U Product / Well Vu / ...

mark qualitative

Casino, Carrefour, Auchan, Leader Price, Cora, Super U, Brand mark ... All signs have developed brands, and for a very long time. Casino products have been around ... 1898!
What is their position?

Why such a big price difference when these brands claim to have the same quality as major brands? No sales force, little or no marketing budget, lower margin (the major manufacturers are very profitable, like Procter & Gamble, L'Oreal and Nestle. That means they make a great difference between their cost and the price charged to retailers. These products are increasingly willing to eye level. Easier to find!

Let me reassure you: we're not the only ones to buy private label. It's the same throughout Europe, year after year, brands nibble market share.

mark 1st prize Euro

smile, No. 1, Well done, more eco produced thumb was ... aggressive response of hypermarkets and supermarkets to the rise of discount stores. Result: These products are now at lower prices on average by 10% in the prices of the hard discounter.
What a difference a first prize? Quality! The first prize of course respect the law, but will use less noble materials, or in smaller quantities. At first you find the price acceptable. For example Tandil laundry to Aldi is very effective. This reaction of hypermarkets and supermarkets aeu resulted in a decline in sales in hard-discounter, who are struggling since early 2006. You can find these products at the bottom of the gondola (the margin is very low ...). Heading Back
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14 Foot Aluminim Boat

GPS, radar map, traffic info

achat GPS

Where are the speed cameras

There is no intention to incite you to exceed the speed limits, but sometimes single moment of inattention can cost you dearly. Many sites, including the selui road safety, indicates the location of speed cameras. The onboard radar there appears not well understood: radarsfixes maintains a list on a day or alertegps radarsenfrance you can, for free, update your GPS. The journal also publishes Autoplus every week the radar map of France.

Warning! If you receive a fine, get the photo taken by the radar sets. Sometimes you can surprise and challenge. Remember that any prompt payment of the fine constitutes acceptance of fault.

Council to purchase a GPS Review

60 million consumers tested 15 GPS in its issue of July-August 2007. The winner of the test is the Tom Tom One Europe (15/20). We do
are not specialists in these products, so here are a selection of site where you find all the info to buy a GPS: GPS passion for understanding and selecting a GPS and a folder of our favorite site navigation: GPS Guide Buying and the GPS Passion Forum

Let us just a few remarks:
>> Define your needs: GPS or GPS / PDA (GPS + address book, calendar, internet, msn, video, MP3, excel, word ,...).
>> Make sure the model you choose will work seamlessly with a heat reflective windscreen (if your car has one).
>> Caution: When you compare prices between 2 GPS, compare also the price of the upgrade. We consider that 20% of the contents of a GPS change each year (sense of movement, deflection, radar sets, new gas stations ..). It is therefore recommended that an update every 2 years. Compare prices for this update is very important when choosing your GPS.
>> Some GPS units allow you to connect your mobile phone with GPS, GPS phone that is hands-free through the magic of bluetooth.
>> Never leave it in the car. Flights GPS multiply! Do not drag the accessories (bracket, cigarette lighter power) and wipe the windshield, the suction cup can leave marks. When driving, lock the doors and try to fix your GPS on the vents or the cup holder, kits are available in downtown Toronto. It will be much less visible from outside. And the last tip ... let hang out a road map to show that you do not have a GPS hidden in the glove compartment!

GPS: Where to buy a cheaper GPS

As usual, we must compare prices. You can do online shopping sites with "hard" and "pure player" internet.
Darty / Boulanger / CDiscount / / Rueducommerce / Norauto / Green Light / Boostore / Mistergooddeal / Discounteo
Michelin has launched a website Via Michelin to sell its GPS solutions, you will find their GPS, and pricing updates.

What is the traffic

Infotrafic The site tells you everything! Back
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Chapter Notes For Deathwatch

Investing in the stock: basic rules

Seven rules to optimize the management of your funds

source MSN / our comments in red

Introduction To build your equity portfolio it is better to stick to certain rules of prudence and common sense! To secure as far as possible, operation and ... to obtain, ultimately, the greatest benefit.

Defining your risk aversion

Defining your risk aversion returns to determine the proportion of shares that can hold in its portfolio. An important point in that, if answered objectively the investor will not panic in case of market decline and did not sell at the lowest ... after buying the highest. For some professionals, the proportion of shares to hold is that an investor can lose without recording a decline in living standards. In other words, should be invested only the money that we do not need a long time. For others it is determined by subtracting the number 100 in the age of the investor (40% for a saving of 60 years, 50% for a saving of 50 years, etc..). Investors who are unable (or unwilling) to define their risk aversion to leave their banks with the task of proposing several asset allocations, each characterized by a profile management more or less offensive. Generally, three profiles are available: Conservative, Balanced, Dynamic. The first is composed primarily of money market securities and bonds. Second, bonds and shares for a roughly equal share. The third profile (the more offensive) is predominantly composed of actions. Attention, depending on the school, the words "Caution", "Balance" and "Dynamic" do not have the same meaning. So it is almost impossible to compare with eg the performance of two funds "prudence".

Investing medium to long term

The best remedy for volatility. One example among many: in 1998, the Russian crisis and its monetary consequences in early summer, scariest and international markets are suddenly dropping broad market indices. The ACC is not immune to the movement. An investor who would buy an index Sicav 1 August 1998 would have seen the value of his fund to lose more than 27% two months later. Yet three years later, on 1 August 2001, the gain recorded by the same fund had reached 21.74% and this, despite the bursting of the bubble Internet (which brought down the ACC by 14% during the first eight months of the year 2001). Certainly, the magnitude of a crisis that has continued into 2002, our investor would, at the end of this year, the performance of its unit trusts back into the red. However, we easily measure the phenomenon of smoothing erratic market movements than the years it can achieve. Generally, investments in equities are the most efficient, provided them enough time. A study by the Credit du Nord between 1950 and 2000 on the average performance of three classes of assets that are money market securities, bonds and equities has thus demonstrated that the first reported each year, 8.2%, 9.5% the second and third 15.4%. But beware of the forty years of observation, maximum performance and minimum recorded by the assets have been substantially different. For money market securities, they were respectively 18.4% and 2.7%. For bonds, 33.2% - 9.7% and finally, for the shares, and 92.4% - 43.8%! Better to set a horizon of medium to long term to smooth the inevitable declines with periods of rising markets.

Look this graph: the psychology of investors called "small carrier"

Stay invested whatever happens

The past year has been characterized by very high volatility. These parts of yo-yo markets are a bit like airplane turbulence: unpleasant but not dangerous and, anyway, inevitable for anyone who wants to go far. A survey by the management company Fidelity Investments, France has demonstrated that an individual would have remained invested in the French market between December 31, 1987 and December 31 2000 would, by considering the evolution of ACC, earned an annualized return of 17.9%. But if he had missed the ten best days recorded by the Exchange during that period, his performance would have fallen to 13.5%. Worse, it would have increased to 5.2% if he had missed the forty best sessions. Or, in thirteen years, a decline in performance around 70%! Much to the rounded back when markets go bad, rather than going out at the wrong time. Especially as the best and worst days are often close to each other. In addition, the days of sharp rises or declines very strong are not grouped on one or two particular years, but over several years of observation, for three or four days a year.

interest (if any) investment programmed

The method we prefer -> no need to worry about changing course, choose the appropriate "nags" and just checking out all the quarters they behave properly. We'll cover this in Part 3.
For many years, banks provide a mechanism of programmed investment in stock to buy each month, shares of unit trusts or mutual fund investment whose value has been divided so that the savings be paid immediately and fully vested. By this method, when the value of the shares in question is decreasing, the amount invested can acquire more. And when their value rises, the portfolio is valued even more quickly. In a period where markets are distinguished by high volatility, this mechanism allows the investor to lower the average purchase price of the shares. Of course, to be really interesting, the mechanism of payments scheduled to allow the investor to invest each month all of his stake. In other words, the amount of shares should have been divided into thousandths of a share. Where appropriate, this leads to broken which will be invested until the following month. Where a shortfall if the markets were up.

In addition, the method is well suited scheduled payments for periods when markets fall then fly. Otherwise, or, in general, when prices are in a phase of steady growth, an investment at a given date always gives, at the end of the period, better results.

It is difficult to oppose two formulas. A planned investment is an act of regular savings. An investment is realized once more come into some money outstanding (inheritance, for example). Attention in the latter case, not to invest on a short-lived peak, the managers recommend investing in three or four times a semester gap between operations. However, interest on investments depends largely on the period. A study published by INSEE in early 2003 has thus calculated the average performance of different assets depending on the time of placement and that of its liquidation.

INSEE considered, for example, if an investor who saved regularly throughout a decade prior to liquidate its investment over the next ten years. Assuming that he had invested in shares in the 80's and had liquidated its portfolio in the 90s, the average performance of its investment stood at 11%.

However, having done the same operation by placing in the 60 to recover its development during the 70s, our investor would have experienced a loss of 1% ... Small consolation, a bond investment was not more efficient in the first case (9% per annum) and slightly better in the second (1% per year). We practice this method across multiple life-support: every month, we invest the same amount, regardless of market developments. Objective: retirement!

Diversify management methods

There are different management styles offering a degree of complementarity. There are essentially management croissance (growth) the management value (undervalued) and index management. The first focuses on stocks with good earnings visibility ahead and giving hope and high earnings. This is the case of securities of the new economy, for example, whose recent journey resembles a roller coaster. For its part, the management value is for a manager to buy securities whose value is temporarily distressed, and to sell when it rises and crosses a threshold corresponding to its "true" value. In terms of performance, these funds do not show results as high as funds composed of growth stocks in the upward phase of the market. However, structurally, the funds managed by the method value are more resistant to falling markets and are characterized by volatility relatively low. Since the early 2000s, they often held the top spots. Last

management type: index management. This category has recently expanded with the introduction in 2001, trackers. Like index funds, these securities are designed to replicate the performance of a large index (CAC, Eurostoxx, etc..). They usually represent a tenth or a hundredth of the value of the basket index in question and are continuously quoted, as an action (as opposed to index funds). In addition, ETFs are traded without rights of entry or exit fees and feature fees management low (0.5%). These products reflect the behavior of markets in the long term, always appear on the rise. They deny, however, the subscriber of the qualities of the manager to beat the benchmark, even though the same way, they avoid the consequences of his errors! Remains to be seen what weight to attach to each mode of management in its portfolio. Invest 50% of the funds of funds comprised of growth stocks, 40% of the value fund and 10% in securities that replicate the index must allow to enjoy the dynamic markets without taking excessive risks. We are followers of management value, through funding from Tocqueville, Admiral Management, ... our "nags"!

However, one can overlook the management "benchmarked" the SICAV "liners" of large institutions. Indeed, not to lose customers, banks require their managers to follow very closely the developments of a large index (or benchmark). That way, if the benchmark down - and the performance of the fund as well - responsibility lies with the behavior of markets and not to possible mismanagement of the company. What to reassure savers! Only problem: for performance finally close to those of the index, you have to pay management fees twice a Sicav quad index and a tracker!

In another type, it is now possible to include, as a diversification in its portfolio of hedge funds. In principle, this type of management is "uncorrelated" to changing markets (hence the success these past two years!). Result, many hedge funds managed to post positive results while financial markets are in the red. The funds for the general public mainly belong to the category of "enhanced cash" or "dynamic +". But their goal is to serve as performance generally equal to the rate of EONIA + 100 to 200 basis points (4 to 5% approximately), they are rather interesting.

Other hedge funds exhibit higher goals. In this case, it is better to prefer a fund of funds structure certainly more expensive but less risky costs due to the presence of various technical alternatives to the fund. Fund of funds means that you buy a fund that buys funds. Attention to the stack costs.

diversify its portfolio geographically

In many cases, the geographical allocation is less relevant than it was several years ago. The U.S. market sets the tempo, and European markets follow ... However, it may be wise to diversify its investments to reduce the volatility of a portfolio. Examples: a period between 1970 and 1998, the volatility of a portfolio composed exclusively of French actions showed, according to a study of Crédit du Nord, 21%. Once expanded to Europe, the portfolio showed a volatility of 16%. And with 40% international stocks, it would have been more than 15.40%. Beyond this ratio, the volatility however, tends to rise because of currency risk has accrued on the financial markets. Generally, a good portfolio diversification actions depends on total assets and the duration of the investment. Thus, for small portfolios, it is preferable to invest in diversified investment funds composed of stocks and bonds and limit its investment in the euro area which can limit the damage in case of market downturn and not did not pose a risk. For larger portfolios, it is also interesting to subscribe funds invested abroad. Remember


sector can boost its performance by giving a portion of its portfolio of sector funds. These funds are pure, since invested in technology stocks, for example, or biotech, etc.. This year, some categories have shown excellent results and other performance ... diametrically opposed. Knowing that these funds operate on narrow markets, the risks and potential gains are great. Thereby limiting their presence in the portfolio to 10%.

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Who is the cheapest?

Article available at Lineaire
LinéairesPrix: Leclerc resumed his due! 23/08/2006

latest release brings the index LinéairesPrix two major confirmations: first, Leclerc presented the turbo on prices. Secondly, the law Dutreil blew gaps between chains: discounters lower their prices, the other the rise ...

Leclerc is back! The wave of surveys conducted in the first half by the team of Linear unveils results unequivocally: the independent movement is again the least expensive on our shopping cart major leading brands of food. And how. With an index of 96.3 (or 3.7% less than the national average), Leclerc displays a competitiveness that had never been known for creating the indicator LinéairesPrix in 2000! Above all, he won 2.7 points on its index of the second half of 2005. A chasm. "We'll see what will the operating accounts at the end of the year, this loose stick close to the direction of motion. It is not certain that we will change our big car this year but we will always have enough to put gas in it, "he image. "Clearly, we we are remobilized, confirms another. See Carrefour gargle to be passed before us gave us in your ranking of the buttons! And even if it has been widely criticized, the initiative taken by Michel-Edouard Leclerc's price comparison site is finished we kick ass in-house. We were instructed to be "bordered" on the major products for several months. "
Juggling between the discounters and the tail of the bunch

Specifically, the basket price Linear - which is good to remember that the content is not public - were down 2.8% at Leclerc (compared to the second half of 2005). A figure at closer to - 0.1% posted by the basket all brands combined. A "sluggish national" prices, which might suggest that the law had no effect Dutreil. This is a sham ... More than 12 points separate the two ends of the scale, with Leclerc on one side and the other Monoprix. Again, such a large gap is the highest since the creation of LinéairesPrix.
In detail, prices fell in the five signs that were already in the lead: Leclerc, Intermarché, Carrefour, Super U and Auchan. In contrast, retailers who were the laggards are those in which prices rose in the first half more than 4% increase in Monoprix, nearly 2% Casino supermarkets, more than 1% at Cora. QED: the gap widened with a blow between the affirmative and other discounters, like the Linear anticipated elsewhere in the publication of the previous round of surveys (No. 211, p. 24).
Among the good students of low price, Intermarché confirms his return to very good disposition. "The sale of Spar in better financial condition than expected, gives us the means to fight," says Michel Pattou, boss Musketeers. Members find the taste of discount, a good momentum has started, it's exciting. In short, we will have to reckon with the approximately 1 470 Intermarché ... Not far behind, Super U completes a brilliant picture for the self: they hold three of top four places. Again, this is a first. The Casino
back its prices

side disappointments, Casino is the sentence on its three brands. The situation has yet to Giant nothing catastrophic, although, obviously, hypermarkets Etienne no longer show the same aggressiveness since January. The situation is already serious in contrast to Monoprix and Casino supermarkets, seriously lagging behind. If the trend were to continue, will they not pay the consequences at a high price? At another level, the hyper format, the question applies equally to Cora, the index curve shows a slope worrying since late 2004. How imagine that customers can sign permanently ignore a price differential of more than 5% with Carrefour and Leclerc, the two leaders of the circuit? Heading Back
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