It will enable the organizing committee to change the demonstration and better meet their expectations for a future edition.
Feel free to circulate heavily around you ...
Thanks in advance!
Following our Crossroads Trades, Sylvia Roth, President of CIPF and the entire organizing committee would like to renew their warmest thanks to the 278 participants in this 11th edition.
We had about 2,000 youths (Vanves Malakoff, Issy Les Moulineaux Clamart and ... but also some Parisian) obviously very pleased. Initial feedback and testimonials seem very positive.
Many parents have also expressed their satisfaction for this initiative which has given insight and suggestions for future for their children.
Sincerely delighted that this event was a resounding success for all players, all parents of students and stakeholders, who mobilized for this organization, are naturally rewarded by these results.
Our common goal of helping young people to build, to have a more concrete vision of the world of work and actively prepare for their career path is reached and we welcome that.
Soon a summary in pictures ...