Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sleigh Christmas Wedding Cake

Write in Chinese characters with pinyin subtitle

Read (not necessarily understanding ) a text in Chinese even if you do not know all the characters of the text is a dream for you? so go for a ride on the blog Adventure Taïwainaise !

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Donate Blood Florida Money

Coup de gueule cons bakery

few months ago we read in today Taiwan Carrefour was given the task of developing a range of French bread in Taipei it is true that the choice became very interesting and more is good, at least it was in fact the French bakers who had come to (re) launch party is this activity recently, after having trained personnel Taiwan 2 weeks ago and I started to notice a change, such as croissants that made me start my day had changed the texture and taste and tonight what I discovered ... there are sesame seeds on growing!
Ladies and gentlemen of Carrefour Taiwan, if you read my blog (which I do not doubt), it is to want to make French products on site, but it would be even better if you could monitor the quality of your products the long term ... because I think a lot of disappointed consumers what happens (ok the French are only a small part of your customer).

Edit: apparently bakers French Carrefour are still in Taipei but output was grouped in another place, which I do not always say why there had sesame seeds on my croissants.

  • All my previous posts categorized by topic are available here index

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Congratulating Quotes On Promotion

Carrefour launches new range of products first

Carrefour just announced the launch of Crossroads Discount 400 products. faire_des_economies We appreciate their approach: no supermarket would put his mark on these products first Price (Casino Euro smile Auchan: Thumb, E. Leclerc: Eco + ....). We have said repeatedly, the first retail prices have the same quality as the products of hard discount. Carrefour and it decides to react with this new brand, assuming implicitly that their products prices first No. 1 does not meet the quality criteria of Carrefour, and position them at deep discount prices. Moreover, has heard these products are not hidden at the bottom of the gondola, but very visible. Launch in late May