Sunday, December 23, 2007

Letter For Volunteer Hours


pianyi is the slogan of Carrefour in Taiwan and can be translated by something like "the cheapest all day."
Tonight while shopping in the store Tienmu I was surprised to see posters in 4 languages: Chinese (normal one is in Taiwan), English (there are many things subtitled in English in Taiwan) , Japanese (large Japanese population in the area) and ... French (it should be only 2 or 3000 French on the island). Good
admittedly among 47 Crossroads of the Tienmu Taiwan is offering the largest range of French products and one that is driven by more customers French so I understand why they made this translation effort ... by cons if there is someone Carrefour Tienmu who reads my blog it would be nice also reread the text before sending to the printer because the posters are full of mistakes!
See for yourself:

Tian tian dou pianyi
Tian tian dou pianyi

Otherwise today was also the day of Christmas dinner hosted by 2 families Franco-Taiwan, it was a good fifty in a good restaurant in the countryside (1 hour from Taipei), children were happy to find at the foot of the Christmas tree a mountain of gifts.

  • All my previous posts categorized by topic are available here index

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Can You Exercise During A Hurpes Outbreak

Tuning Made in Taiwan Shilin

The Jacky's Touch is not only French, the evidence ...

Tuning made in Taiwan
Tuning made in Taiwan

  • All my previous posts categorized by topic are available here index